Friday, May 26, 2023

More bureaucrats who need an appointment in the town square,

with a flagrum.
But NOW, the unelected, unaccountable, faceless, nameless, power-hungry monarchs at the FDA have decided that none of our farmers, ranchers, or hobbyists will be allowed to have those medicines anymore without visiting the vet for a prescription. This will cost the farmers tens of thousands of dollars a year in added vet bills, which they will then pass onto the consumer, forcing prices even higher during a time of record inflation.

There was no debate in Congress, no federal law passed, no chance for a town hall or public debate, no reading of a bill, no commercials warning the public so they could stop this encroachment on liberty and sanity. We have been informed by federal decree that this is now our new reality.

How much you want to bet that this is connected to John Effing Kerry & Co. and their "We have to deal with farming, because Climate Change!" bullshit?


  1. One reason is to cut down the preppers who buy fish/vet antibiotics to keep on hand. It's a mixed issue. On one hand it infringes on freedoms. On the other well meaning idiots self prescribe antibiotics for all manner of perceived illnesses. And in doing so, because they have no idea what they are doing, the only thing they accomplish is to create even more antibiotic resistant organisms. Plus farmers of all sizes use medications on livestock to make them fatter to make more money. Those drugs pass through the food chain causing more problems. Tough call.

    1. Dan, I mean no disrespect to you at all but my (very limited) understanding of cattle ranching is that feed lots are used to fatten up cattle prior to sale.
      What drugs would do this?
      Got a link?
      This whole FDA thing just sounds like they VERY MUCH want to make Ivermectin unavailable to the peons that follow Drs guidelines regarding Covid dosing.

  2. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Similar thing happened 5 years ago in canada. You used to be able to by fish meds then you had to get a vet to prescribe them. So now rather than 30 cents of meds to cure ick in your fish you have a $80 vet bill, $15 drug charge and a $7 dispensing fee. Most people just started flushing sick fish as its not worth the fees.


  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Ever watched a drug delivery to a pharmacy??
    I’ve walked by the running, unlocked, wide open van.
    Nada, zip, zero, nothing from stopping a …….
    ”made up there mind person.”

    At least in these here parts.
    It… May be different, for you folks in the big citeeee.

    Jusss sayin.
    Won’t be long.


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