Tuesday, May 16, 2023

I need, not a vacation,

I need to just run away for a while.  Makes having a home and people who depend on you to some extent a problem, because you can't just go away.

Yeah, the state of our world is worrying and wearing.  I'm really sick of finding that people and organizations I trusted cannot be; that those who might not be corrupt themselves(to the extent others are), most of them will carry out their orders: "I need my job/I worked hard to get here", etc.  

Consider the tax collection agency of this country.  When Obama decided on a very guilty tax evader to be his Treasury Secretary, the IRS made the clown a special deal so he could do it.  We're told that the professional auditors and such were horrified and furious, but the agency did it.  And has demonstrated just how corrupt much of the leadership is; they just got rid of the whole team of investigators who'd been doing the Hunter Biden job, at the 'request' of the 'Justice' Department.  The 'J'D being so corrupt at this point that no more need be said.

And on.  And on.

Now let's talk about all those Professional Journalists who have demonstrated they really ARE just Democrat operatives with bylines.  Slanted news, 'Go after those guys and ignore what our guys are doing/have done', and flat-out lies combined with a level of bigotry that's horrifying.

To borrow a line from 'Jaws', it's enough to piss off the Good Humor man.

Throw in the personal stuff(no, I'm not needing another surgery, just family stuff that's been difficult), and that running away idea sounds better and better.



  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    God, do I hear you.
    Getting real tired of adulting here too.

  2. Alvin mcdonald4:03 PM

    I understand perfectly. About btw ice a year I "tour" just to get away. And listen to the rest of what other people think. Trouble is coming

  3. Sometimes the body can't run away but the mind and spirit always can. Travel to where you need to go.


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