Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Speaking of trans bullshit(and this mess is, at the least),

while back posted a link to a what a whistleblower wrote about working at a 'pediatric gender clinic' and what she saw.  Now we have this:
Caroline read the story when her sister, a nurse, sent it to her. “My sister was bewildered by what was going on at the center and told me it was wrong,” Caroline said. Reed’s article described a process in which doctors pushed young people through a gender-affirming pipeline, quickly prescribing pharmaceutical interventions. There was little consideration of alternatives, or examination of the underlying mental health and social causes that might lead a young person to feel gender dysphoria.

“When I read it, I’m like—this is what happened to me!” Caroline said. “I felt validated. I felt: I knew it, I knew it.”

I repeat: there's supposed to be a thing about 'First, do no wrong' for doctors, it's not 'Do what the current popular thing is, even if it ruins lives', and those who do need to be held to account.  Whether a bunch of screeching activists like it or not.

What someone decides for their own life, go right ahead; you start pushing this in children, that's a whole 'nother matter.


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    As bad as the doctor's fighting tooth and nail to implant and keep the drugs in the kid, there's also the insidious flood of bullshit info that the kid got online and from his (so-called) friends that started him down the road.
    And finally, (and to me the worst part of this story) is the piece of whale-shit father who could've kept the kid secure in his masculinity instead of agreeing to give him the drugs.

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    First; Do no harm...
    it is no longer taught at any woke med school in this S***hole of a coontree.

  3. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Don't discount the groomers working in schools. A friend is active with her youth group and one of the girls who has autism (groomers prey on the autistic) started getting more and more tomboyish.

    Turns out the girl never got positive attention at school. Given the cues she was hearing, she came out as gay at school. Her teacher applauded her and said she was so brave. First positive feedback at the school. The groomer kept grooming until she announced she was trans.

    At this point, Dr. Faucci 's bioweapon escaped the lab and the girl was removed from the groomers presence as the schools were closed due to covid. Shortly afterwards she went back to wearing pink and dresses. She wasn't sexually aware at that age. She was just a kid who wanted someone to applaud her, and the grooming teachers almost destroyed her life over it.

  4. Because of this unusually cruel doctrine of leftism and many millions of dollars, much of the medical and psychological establishment, aided by many in what passes for the field of education these days, are abusing and physically mutilating thousands of innocent confused children. Instead of receiving the care they so obviously need, their lives are being ruined and the entire process is criminal. Anyone and everyone involved in the "transitioning" of a child belongs in prison.
