Friday, April 21, 2023

It's morning. Kind of wish it wasn't,

because right now I'd rather be back in bed, asleep.  Dammit.

On the other hand, there's this: "Gotta go see my friends!"

And Elizabeth Hurley still looks good.
More at Kim's in the news section

The idiots in Scotland ruled that 'trans' female convicts had to be housed in female facilities, apparently no proof of actual change required, which- no surprise- led to female inmates being raped and abused.
The equally stupid in Washington are following the same script, with the same results.

And, no matter how bad the results, the bastards in charge of this will, at most, lose a job or be transferred somewhere else.  Because why should they suffer for trying so hard for wokeness?

The new ATF director is about what you'd expect.

Wonder if the clowns in charge learned anything from their fuckups in Afghanistan?
Or will this be a repeat, but with less news coverage?

The NIH needs to be on a leash.
  Or cleaned out entirely.  These people are effing nuts.

And now I must go and be productive.  Or try to.

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