Sunday, April 02, 2023

Due to circumstances I'm at home this morning, so

a bit of the news.  Which includes that a lot of Evil Party clowns, and likely some Stupid Party clowns, may wind up really regretting being part of this mess. The left will scream, while simultaneously crying "But it was different when WE did it!"

The wonders of the Canuckistan health system march ahead.  Wonder how much money they plan on saving by including kids in the "Just kill me" system?

If this is correct, a BUNCH of people in the National Institutes of Health need to be fired.  And, those who have them, lose their medical license.  This is insane.

And in something not related to current human stupidity, God only knows what's sitting out there in caves or buried, waiting for someone to find.
(note: in some caves, ignoring warnings and going in might well fit in the 'stupid' category)

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