Monday, March 13, 2023

Yes, there will be more Twitter Files,

and it's previewed here:
...When I asked Allred’s permission to point out that he’d just demonstrated that a proper forum for dealing with campaign abuses already existed in the court system, he basically told me to shut up.

“No,” he said, “you don’t get to ask questions here.”

I then had to keep my mouth shut as an elected official shifted to Dad mode to admonish me to “take off the tinfoil hat,” because “there’s not a “vast conspiracy,” by which he meant he apparently meant my last three months of work.
Most disturbing was a letter to a long list of academics, tech executives, and communications specialists from a staffer for the non-profit Institute for Defense Analysis. It referred to a new type of online influencer, “some of whom enjoy reach commensurate with mass media channels”:

In an age of declining trust in media, government, and institutions, influencers occupy a position of trust and enjoy a perception of authenticity. In addition to the rise of influencers, now-prevalent online crowds have been transformed into a significant force in shaping narratives; they are persistent and can be leveraged to achieve amplification of particular messages in the battle for attention.

“Online crowds have been transformed into a significant force in shaping narratives” is just another way of saying, “independent groups now have politically effective ways to organize,” which the authors clearly saw as a problem in itself.

To them, it really is.

1 comment:

  1. And as more (obviously damning to the leftists in media, in Congress, the FBI, DHS, DOJ and deep state machine) Twitter files emerge, and they are discussed and analyzed by actual journalists (like Taibbi) and actual conservatives in Congress, the leftists, including the usual suspects named above and others, will just ramp up the current policy of:
    Deny the denial, but deny that it matters;
    Butwhatabout [insert leftist misdeed usually projected toward the right here];
    Cry racism;
    Cry conspiracy theory;
    Argue that was "legitimate and necessary" censorship of dangerous and/or Russian mis/dis info.;
    And the ever popular, murder those with the potential to do actual harm and make it look like suicide or a robbery gone bad.

    Personally, I find it all pretty entertaining but see little hope of anything getting done about it. The left will continue their campaign to ruin the country and will for the most part succeed. The useful idiots will begin to jump ship in much greater numbers than we are seeing now but it will be largely too late. etc., etc. I will hopefully be dead by the time the CCP is the puppeteer for the new world order.

    We're doomed.
