Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Meanwhile, we can wonder just how deep Fauci & Co. are in this

The U.S. government may have made duplicate payments for projects at labs in Wuhan, China, through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), according to records reviewed by CBS News.

"What I've found so far is evidence that points to double billing, potential theft of government funds. It is concerning, especially since it involves dangerous pathogens and risky research," said Diane Cutler, a former federal investigator with over two decades of experience combating white-collar crime and healthcare fraud.

Cutler found evidence of possible double payments as she investigated U.S. government grants that supported high risk research in China leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic. She was hired by Republican Sen. Roger Marshall, who took her records to USAID and the internal watchdog at USAID, which launched a new probe, details of which have not been previously reported.


  1. Peaowed2:57 AM

    So, not only did U.S. taxpayers pay for Covid, we paid for it twice. Isn't that special...

  2. Mmmkay,, I can Understand how Double BILLing could happen.
    But Double PAYing? No,, you can not make me believe that is justifiable.

  3. Access the Patent Office website and do a search for Fauci then wonder no more.
