Tuesday, March 07, 2023

It would seem that if you have a credit card(or probably anything else) with Bank of America,

you might want to get rid of it.  At least if you give a damn about privacy, security, and not wanting a bank that has a nice fascist partnership with the feds.
An FBI whistleblower told congressional investigators that the D.C. field office pushed local offices to open criminal investigations into Americans based solely on financial transactions Bank of America tracked and voluntarily provided to the bureau, according to testimony reviewed by The Federalist.

“Bank of America, with no directive from the FBI, datamined its customer base,” whistleblower and recently retired FBI supervisory intelligence analyst George Hill told investigators for the House Judiciary Committee, according to Hill’s testimony.
According to the material reviewed, Hill testified that on either Jan. 7 or 8, 2021, Bank of America provided the FBI’s D.C. field office a “huge list” of individuals who used Bank of America credit or debit cards in D.C., or the surrounding Maryland and Virginia areas, on Jan. 5, 6, or 7, 2021. Bank of America then elevated to the top of the list anyone who had ever (through Jan. 6, 2021) used a Bank of America product to purchase a firearm.

There was no geographic or date-range limit to the search for firearm purchases, Hill stressed, meaning the individual would be flagged at the top of the list had he “purchased a shotgun in 1999” in Iowa, and used a Bank of America credit card to check out of a hotel on Jan. 5, 2021, in the Northern Virginia area, following a trip that could be completely unrelated to the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

It appears the Boston EffingBI office actually refused to open cases based on this, and held to it.  No telling what other offices said "Screw that Constitution thing we swore to uphold" out and did.


  1. polimath7:45 PM

    Anyone buying firearms with a Discovery card will be tracked.
    Cash is King.

  2. "...anyone who had ever (through Jan. 6, 2021) used a Bank of America product to purchase a firearm."

    Irony much there BofA?
