Friday, March 03, 2023

I'm just going to dump some news

Starting with "When he's in the hospital, how is Fetterman helping introduce legislation?"
His chief of staff won't say anything, all he's doing is blocking people on Twitter who ask, and putting out 'this ugliness from the right' pablum.

This reminds me of the last 'vote' by Robert Byrd: they rolled him onto the Senate floor in a wheelchair, his head bouncing around like a bobblehead doll, and he gave the Party the 'vote' they wanted.

That  horrible clown prosecutor in St. Louis may actually pay a price for all the damage she's done.  It won't be enough, but it would be something.

"Let's lower the passing level for the bar exam!  Then we'll get more diversity in lawyers!"  You'll also get lousy lawyers, but you don't care about that.

Why so few reproduction historic guns?

And that's all I've got time for


  1. Fetterman is a puppet...just like Pedo Joe. In fact most Demonrat politicians are puppets, doing, saying and voting exactly as they are told to by their masters.

  2. the bar for the bar must be pretty darn low already, seeing the current crop of loser lawyers that somehow passed.

  3. A "vote in the correct column" was all Fetterman was ever gonna be anyway.
