Friday, March 10, 2023

Here's a clue: If you want the penalties for carjacking reduced,

you don't give a damn about the general public or the 'good of society', you want to make it less risky for criminals to carjack people.

At best, you're an idiot.


  1. That depends on what the sentence is now, and how much they want to lower it. The article doesn't say that. For example, life without parole seems excessive to me for stealing a car without serious injury to the driver, but I suspect the sentence now is much lighter, and they want to lower it further.

    OTOH, why have a separate "carjacking" crime at all? It's robbery, usually of tens of thousands in value. That should get 20 years, with possible added sentences for injuring the victim, etc., whether or not a car was involved. If there was a kid in the car, it's also kidnapping - make the sentences consecutive.

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Carjacking means the owner was in the car. Its like a home invasion robbery, you put the victim in more danger than just stealing a parked car. It also means the crook chose to ho after a vehicle with people in it vs an empty car.


  2. That wasn't a carjacking.Carjacking is the robbery (taking by force or fear) of an auto from its occupant(s)/driver, and is a crime of violence. This was a theft (property crime) of an unoccupied vehicle. There is a difference.

  3. Mike-SMO2:12 PM

    Das what Prosecutors are for. Deys know not to Prosecute some young'un who was turning his life around. Dat dead woman was an assident. How was he to know that she was going to up and die when he hit her with the wrench. Tain't rite, I"ze tellin' you.
