Wednesday, March 08, 2023

A quick look at the news shows clowns like McConnell and some of the other pretend Republicans

having fits over the public actually seeing security video that shows things they don't want the peasants to see.  Schumer, of course, just had another fit on the Senate floor and actually called for censorship.  And that asshole Crenshaw from Texas(who's turned out to be a monumental disappointment) whining about "We've already seen this, why do people keep bringing it up?"  Asshole, if we'd seen all this WE WOULDN'T KEEP BRINGING IT UP."  

As Carlson put it,
“You don’t often see the Senate majority leader openly call for censorship on the floor of the Senate as if that was totally normal and didn’t contradict the spirit and the letter of the First Amendment,” Carlson said, before calling out Republican Sens. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Mitt Romney of Utah for siding with Schumer.
“From this, we learn two things: One, you’re getting close to what they really care about. And you have to ask yourself why? Why is it so important that they would degrade themselves by telling such obvious lies and calling for censorship? Why? What are they trying to protect?” Carlson asked. “That might be worth exploring and we plan to. And the second thing we learned from this is that they’re on the same side. The Senate majority leader joins the Senate minority leader. Thom Tillis, Mitt Romney. They’re all on the same side!”
Yes, they are.

Going after the assholes who actually did violence?  No problem.  Going after people who were LET into the building, walked through, and left?  Who did nothing?  While assholes like Ray Epps are protected?  Oh yeah, we've been lied to, and a bunch of our LE were/are quite willing to play Praetorian Guard, and it all needs to be brought out.  

1 comment:

  1. A more frustrating time in politics I cannot remember! On another note, I find Tucker Carlson entertaining and informative; however, I need to watch him less and less; he's not good for my blood pressure.
