Sunday, February 26, 2023

One of those things that drives me up the walls at times

While back had a couple come in and ask about buying a revolver for their home.  Little talking and some questions brought up that they'd bought a S&W M&P 9mm a few months before, so why did they decide to look at revolvers?

Because it would be faster to load if someone was breaking in.


Seems a 'helpful' friend had told them that if you leave a magazine loaded for very long, it would ruin it.  So they thought they'd have to start loading the magazine when there was trouble...

They were shocked to find out their friend was full of crap(more gently put), and all they really needed was to bring this S&W in and shoot it to get used to it.  Oh, yes, seems they'd not yet fired a shot through it.  In large part because they didn't want to wear it out.

There are times I could stand to find the people still pushing this line and whack them over the head with something heavy.


  1. This is exactly where the close to be finished NRA failed so many people. Firearms education and other support for new gun owners used to be one of the things that they did the best. Of course, it has been a long, long time since those days. I think it might align with the beginning of WLP's takeover of the organization.
    I continue to remain a member, but do not give the group any extra money. Of course, the continue to send out emails and snail mail, telling me that it is time to renew. They started this back in November, before Thanksgiving. My renewal date is not until May.
    I will renew at the last minute, if the group still exists. I will remain only to hold out hope that the legal machinations of NY end up allowing the NRA to remain as an organization, and the entire leadership and bylaws are changed. While some in leadership may at one time been good, the way that WLP and his henchmen worked things, only those that will let themselves be railroaded as WLP's toady's are even placed on the ballot.
    Not to wish evil for anyone, but I hope that they put those responsible for the demise of the group in jail, for a long, long time. One only has to read the depositions given by the leadership to know what crooks they really are.

  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I heard that too in my days and i've asked around... some cheaper mags do have springs that have that issue after a few years. I do keep half the mags loaded and swap out every trip to the range.


  3. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Wow…so wrong on so many levels at once! 🙄🙄

  4. Peaowed3:22 AM

    The only thing worse than not knowing is knowing (and acting upon) the wrong stuff.

  5. Anonymous4:51 AM

    What was the reasoning for not leaving the revolver loaded? It’s a shame new shooters don’t go beyond tv info and random advice when getting into shooting.

  6. That I didn't get into, I imagine it was another piece of advice from someone who didn't know crap.

    As Exile said, there are some cheap mags made with the wrong wire or heat-treat that can have problems, but factory mags are generally quite good and won't.

  7. Sort of like the people who don't believe that an auto should not be carried with a round in the chamber. Like you'd have all the time in the world and both hands free in an emergency.
