Tuesday, February 14, 2023

One more group of idiots I'm going to bitch about

In the broadest lens, the biggest problem with wanting to “cure” blindness is that it reinforces a moral superiority of sorts by those without disabilities over those who are disabled. Although not confronted nearly as often as racism and sexism, systemic ableism is pervasive through all parts of society.

The fact of the matter is that the majority of abled people view disability as a failure of the human condition; as such, people with disabilities should be mourned and pitied. More pointedly, as MrBeast stated in his video’s thumbnail, disabilities should be eradicated — cured.
If someone “cured” deafness, what would happen to the people? Deaf culture is real. The culture would fade away because there’d be no reason for sign language to exist and the experiences derived from it. …

Disabilities need no cure. What truly needs curing is society’s proclivity to view the disability community as little more than real-life characters from a Tod Browning film. Disabled people are not freaks. Disability isn’t a bad word. You can learn a lot from us.

We already know two things: blindness and deafness really are disabilities, and you're a fucking idiot who thinks that helping heal those problems is bad.

A few years back there was an article about a lesbian couple, both deaf, who wanted a child.  But they specifically wanted a deaf child, 'so it would grow up in and be fully a part of deaf culture.'  Found a deaf sperm donor to try with.  No, I don't know if it worked.  I hope it didn't, because it's a couple of idiots wanting to create a disabled child, and if they got a kid who wasn't deaf, what kind of like was it going to have with these two for parents?  "We love you, but we really wanted you to be deaf like us."


  1. As someone who is deaf in one ear, and uses a hearing aid in the other, I feel the need to respond to this horse shit!
    What is not said or described, is "Do either of the prospective deaf mothers wear eyeglasses, contacts, or have had corrective opthamolic surgery done to their eyes (laser surgery)?"
    If the answer is “yes”, then you have all your answers right in front of you. Some things need to be fixed, must be fixed, to live life to the fullest, but other things (hearing) should not be fixed, because of “reasons”, because of “culture”. They should be ashamed of themselves!

  2. Until we make a concerted deliberate effort to cull the herd of these mindless morons spewing this bullshit the insanity will continue and expand. In the past Darwinian selection removed these idiots from the gene pool. Technology combined with bleeding heart socialist insanity has thwarted Darwin. We need to now actively select and remove these defective idiots from society in order to maintain social order and functionality.

  3. Okay...Let me be clear, I, in no way, shape, or form agree with what Dan said.
    Take the deaf couple at one end, and Dan at the other, and I'm right there in the middle, using technology to make things better for everyone that has sense to use it correctly.

  4. Kind of have a problem with 'removing defective idiots', reminds me too much of some things I've read about.

    I cannot imagine how
    Helping someone get their vision or hearing, is a bad thing, and
    How someone with a handicap can see it as a good thing to try to make sure their offspring has the same handicap, because 'culture'.
