Thursday, January 12, 2023

Well, the left has been using them for so long, was only a question of time

before a lot of Jews said "Enough."
She persevered and got the audience back. But soon she joked about how Jews don't have guns. The room was silent. "Really? No one likes anti-gun jokes?" That’s when the booing started. She was shocked.

Frankly, I was shocked.

I knew a change was happening but did not know it had arrived. What has been emerging, in Florida but also elsewhere, was a New Jew. This shift is partially political, yes. It does come with more votes moving from Democrat to Republican. But the main change is cultural.

The New Jew does not cower. He does not make excuses for those who hate him, whether white supremacist or black nationalist. She speaks plainly about threats, refuses to pretend they're exclusive to the far right when she can see with her own eyes that they are not.

This New Jew might not be conservative but they are no longer of the left. His story is laid out in "The Turn" by Liel Leibovitz. He didn’t shift, the left shifted around him. She isn’t afraid of name-calling. As Leibovitz wrote “We have a better word to describe ourselves: free.”

Don't know how many there are, but considering the crimes against Jews in places like NYeffingCity, and the attitude toward them by many politicians, I'd guess the numbers are growing.  

Years ago friend and I were at a restaurant and wound up in conversation with a man and his son, and it came out they were on their way to the range, and Jewish, which led to a conversation about the wonders of the FAL.  One of his comments was "I'm very left-wing, but not on arms.  'Never again' means something."  Never met them again, but I do wonder if he's still left-wing.


  1. 'Never again' means something." It should.

  2. Anonymous1:36 PM

    So. as a group, they are still very left, just not as left as the rest of the Democratic party.

  3. Jews don't have guns? Don't try to tell that to this group.

  4. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Nothing says “Never Again” like me & my Mossy slug gun. Only I’m not and never have been a leftard. MartyB
