Monday, January 23, 2023

This is why home schooling, and just about anything that means "Get your kids out of public schools",

have taken off.
[D]ozens of parents whose children have socially transitioned at school told The Times they felt villainized by educators who seemed to think that they — not the parents — knew what was best for their children.... Although some didn’t want their children to transition at all, others said they were open to it, but felt schools forced the process to move too quickly, and that they couldn’t raise concerns without being cut out completely or having their home labeled “unsafe.”
One mother in California shared messages that her teenager’s teacher had sent through the school’s web portal encouraging the student to obtain medical care, housing and legal advice without the parents’ knowledge. A lawsuit filed against a school district in Wisconsin included a photo of a teacher’s flyer posted at school that stated: “If your parents aren’t accepting of your identity, I’m your mom now.”
I’ve been a teacher for quite a while. Teaching has always been loosely aligned with liberal values, but I never felt like I was part of an explicit political organization until the last few years. The zeal with which school systems have pursued and advocated for left-wing identity politics no longer feels like being “supportive,” it feels like we’re being persuasive: join us, children, as we dismantle the evil systems (systemic racism! the patriarchy! the gender binary!) that your parents have wrought.

It’s frankly a little bit creepy and cultish at times, and it needs to stop.

God knows how much damage these asshats have done with their cult, and most of them probably will never pay any real price for it; they'll just keep calling the parents names and pushing kids into some other damaging behavior in the name of being 'caring'.

Throw in the social services bastards who'll investigate the parents over the 'unsafe' accusations.


  1. Those teachers who push transitioning should be transed themselves-involuntarily.

  2. The evil leftists...and almost all those in the Indoctrination System are evil leftists...will NEVER voluntarily give up and quit trying to destroy America. The ONLY solution that will work to stop them is their extermination. Nothing else will even slow them down. We are at war with the left, a war TO THE DEATH. And most Americans don't even realize there is a war.
