Saturday, January 14, 2023

Surprise! Fecesbook didn't even really sell out,

it whored itself to the .gov
Facebook told an official at the Biden White House that the Big Tech company not only suppressed misinformation but took action against the “virality” of “often-true content” regarding the COVID-19 vaccines.
Anything for the Party, right?


  1. I wish more people would start to understand how EVIL the tech tyrants really are.

  2. Why am I not really surprised? I imagine the type of people that work at outfits like this (or in the case of Twitter, worked, past tense) are exactly the kind of people that would behave that way.

    There aren't many good ways to purge society of the Quislings, informers, betrayers, collaborationists, backstabbers, and stool pigeons. Judas was not a one-off. Some will crawl on their bellies and eat offal in order to garner the favoritism of the powerful elite. They crave the praise that comes from being right-think virtue signallers.

    I always wonder what the Gestapo, the KGB, the Stasi, and the FBI really think of these people. Do they admire them, or think of them as useful expendable tools?
