Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Seems some judges in Canuckistan are good with just killing people instead of

giving them the option of suicide.
Amanda Rojas-Silva, 42, and Shane Hutley, 35, had been charged with manslaughter and criminal negligence in Warriner’s death — charges they denied, saying they used only the force necessary to gain a hold of her.

Now, those charges have been dropped after a judge concluded there wasn’t enough evidence to take the case to trial — a decision CBC News has learned the Crown won’t appeal.

That’s despite the available video footage, two security staff who testified the accused placed weight on her upper body while she was held chest down, a forensic pathologist who testified Warriner would still be alive had she not been restrained that day — and revelations one of the guards admitted he falsely claimed Warriner threw the first punch.

I suspect 'the Crown won't appeal' boils down to "Oh, good, we can make this go away!"

These guards AND that judge deserve to be in cells.  And the other Crown officials need to be fired.  At the least.


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Outright murder.....

  2. Anonymous9:55 PM

    The majority of media up here are not covering this. The guards moved one security camera just before they beat her to death. That says tome premeditated, they intended to beat her.

