Monday, January 02, 2023

Right now I have little interest in the news, so instead an update

on the knees.

Yes, plural.  According to the surgeon they don't consider a knee replacement to be fully healed for one year.  So when the cold fronts started going back & forth, especially the ones bringing damp with them, they both starting hurting.  Like a bastard at times.

On the most recent surgery, it really is improving.  I've got a lot more range of motion, and haven't needed help to sleep at night for a while(during the battles of the fronts, a few times should probably have availed myself of it).  Still a lot of aching depending on what I'm doing, or attempting to do.  And the height & design of chairs can make the difference between getting up  with a little ache and a quiet(when others are around) 'Sunuvabitch!' as I stand up.  And just standing, without walking, for a while tends to make them stiffen up and get downright painful at times.

Some of you are probably nodding your heads, and for the rest: hope there are better solutions before you get old and/or damaged.

I'm now going to do some of the home PT stuff, which will involve an amount of cursing and moaning after.  Be glad you don't have to listen to it.

1 comment:

  1. When I was young I used to laugh at the "older timers" who said things like that...then I became one. Yep, stuff hurts when the weather changes.


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