Saturday, December 10, 2022

The next release of the Twitter Files is out. (updated)

First is here.

Update: Fourth here.

And more to come.

Yes, a bunch of Twitter execs were actively working with the Democrats and some LE agencies to decide who would be allowed to say what.  Yes, they lied about it.  And yes, most of the MSM is trying hard as it can to either say Trump was to blame or that "This doesn't actually say anything!"


  1. Anonymous6:54 AM

    one would think that the folks in the government at all levels really do not want the american people to find out just how corrupt they are.

  2. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Thank God we don’t get all the govt we pay for. The scum bag leeches skimming billions over the years have “saved” us from even more intrusion.
