Sunday, December 25, 2022

That show 'Forged in Fire'? Something I've wondered about

 Lots of shots of blades being quenched, but nothing on tempering.  No chance for dramatic video, or they don't want to bother?


  1. I read somewhere that they do temper the blades, it’s not show due to time constraints and it’s akin to watching paint dry.

  2. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I've seen them using tempering ovens on that show. They just don't spend any time on it.

  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Know a couple of past contestants and Jeff is correct. The normalizing and heat treating cycles are done after the shooting is done for the day.

  4. Anonymous11:30 PM

    In some of the more recent shows they show an oven that cycles the blades through heat. Is that possibly what you are referring to?

  5. Probably. I only see it occasionally, must've missed that.

  6. Sailorcurt9:52 AM

    As Anonymous said, occasionally they show a shot of a blade being put into a tempering kiln, but they don't dwell on it.

    I always keep in mind that they're compressing 5 full days of blade making (the first in studio and the last four at home forges) into a 42 minute show so naturally not every step of the process is getting attention.

    I've still learned a lot from the show. Not enough to jump into it of course, but enough to know that there's a lot more to it than just hammering on a piece of hot steel, which is pretty much what I thought before.

  7. Oh yeah: forging, grinding, heat-treat, final grinding, polishing...

  8. I think that they aren't tempered for the live-ish first stage because of time, and then they don't show it on the long build because it would confuse people about the lack of it in the first half.


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