Monday, December 19, 2022

Assuming I live that long,

(not really a joke), if by next fall these joints haven't healed up enough that every front that comes through doesn't make them start up again, I may have to move somewhere a bit warmer.  It's finding one that would be less troublesome in winter without being bloody awful in summer.  I can handle heat better than cold generally, but there are limits.

  • The CDC has released new charts with higher BMIs to follow the growth of children who are severely obese.
  • The previous BMI chart for children, published in 2000, is based on data from 1963 to 1980 but obesity and severe obesity in children have increased significantly since the ’80s.
  • More than 4.5 million children and teenagers had severe obesity in 2018, according to the CDC.
Often no recess in school, kids not going out to play, and throw in two years of them being DISCOURAGED from going outside... oh yes, things are going swimmingly.


  1. I don't know your situation but many (myself included) have used an RV as a way to winter in warmer weather. It works just as well to move to good winter weather place and summer in the RV.

  2. Unfortunately, fronts come through everywhere. It not cold fronts or warm fronts that make them hurt. It's the changing front. Food for thought.

  3. RV might be a thought.

    Yeah, but it seems like the cold fronts are worse. Especially if they bring damp with them.

  4. There is always Hawaii, the weather is always nice, it does get boring. Plus it's an island....

  5. The way we've handled it is to maintain our residence in michigan and have a 27 foot travel trailer stored at an rv park in okeechobee florida. they put it on a lot and take it back to storage, so I dont need a truck. We rent a lot dec. 31 to april 30 and pay to store for 8 months. Our cost at that location totals 4060 a year. You can find more and less expensive situations. We know folks who go to Mcallen TX in winter.


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