Wednesday, November 30, 2022

History is messy, and some people really don't like it when

non-PC parts of it are pointed out.  They get insulting and nasty, especially on the subject of slavery.

It's amazing to me how many are either ignorant of the Arab/Muslim slave trade, or try to ignore it completely.  Of course, it really messes with their preferred 'Slavery began in North America/the United States was worst of all!' bullshit, but still.


  1. You think they don't like the Muslim part, wait until someone points out the Jewish part.

  2. Much as a lot of the left hates Jews, they should love it.

  3. Anonymous9:02 AM

    These morons think slavery around the world is thing of the past.
    If ignorance is bliss, they are most happy people in the galaxy.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Not just around the world. We have plenty of slavery still in the USA. Trump tried to end it. Stopping Trump was more important than stopping slavery to Democrats.
