Thursday, November 10, 2022

Front came through, wet and colder,

and guess what that does for the leg?

Part of the problem: sit down to try to do something, a few minutes later the leg is aching.  Move around much, it starts aching.  Makes it damn hard to get anything done, and won't let things distract enough from the ache.  

Yes, I know it'll get better; it's still a problem now.

Throw in that, as the bruising comes up and starts working out, I'm having to pee.  A lot.  Which messes with sleeping.

Yes, it'll improve, but still a problem for now.

Ah well.

Missing the dog doesn't help.  Where I stayed after surgery they have two, who are used to me and always wanting a scratch, though the big one wanting into your lap is sometimes a problem; no Security Staff at home, it's just empty.

Ain't life fun at times?


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    When that happens ice it down. Should provide 45-90 minutes of relief and much less pain thereafter.

  2. I'm sorry that you're hurting inside and out. While you can't replace old friends who have passed (of any species) you CAN still make new ones.

  3. Have been icing as can

  4. Hang in there Firebrand. Hopefully, you will have a speedy recovery. Tomorrow will be six months since I got my new liver. While I am not "hitting on 8 cylinders", I'm getting better and stronger every day.

  5. A new liver is one helluva lot more problematic than a knee. I'm glad it's working out.

  6. Ha! Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad considering the surgeons took the largest organ out and put another one in the same day. The days leading up to it were testy and downright uncomfortable at times. The doctors said I'd be in the recovery one or two days, then intensive care for 10 days to two weeks, h regular room for two or three weeks and then I'd stay in a nearby hotel for a week to ten days and come back to the hospital for bloodwork/exams periodically. In the end,tey turned me loose to come home on the sixth day. I never was in much pain and I did not take any pain medication after I got out of the hospital. So, it sounds like your pain/discomfort levels were and are more severe than I ever was. The doctors told me that not everyone fared as good as I did. They called me a miracle patient (I don't know about that, but praise be to the Lord). Hopefully, you are on the mend and will be back to normal soon. By the way, yesterday was six months since my transplant and all is well. Hang in there my friend.
