Tuesday, November 15, 2022

At some point a bunch of doctors and couselors

are going to be called to task for their whole-hearted embrace of the trans movement, just about 'at any cost', and it's going to be nasty.  

We have this currently from the NYeffingTimes noting 'there may be problems with giving kids these drugs, especially when there haven't been enough questions asked/actual counselling of these kids.'
Now go back to last year when two of the top doctors on the subject were saying "This needs to be slowed down", and
Anderson said that she had submitted an op ed to The New York Times warning about the risks of treatments, and the paper turned it down because the story was 'outside our coverage priorities right now.'

Short version: the possible consequences of puberty blockers on kids are not well known, some can be/are really bad, and this often isn't discussed with parents and the kid.  Which can lead to serious long-term/lifelong problems.

Now throw in the activists who, if you don't fall into line and wholeheartedly support them, you're transphobic or a terf or whatever the current insult is.

A lot of kids are paying for this crap.

Note: Bari Weiss had a big piece on her Substack site about this.


  1. I've wondered whether they test for normal hormone levels when children are confused. If a boy wants to trans. maybe give a shot of testosterone first and see how he feels. Same for girls with estrogen.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Where money is at the root of evil its doubtful that those who worship it will ever pay. Look at our lawyers.

  3. Those companies issuing medical malpractice/liability insurance to the docs who practice in this area had best start ramping up the premiums charged.

    Like, enough to make this an untenable practice area.

  4. Somehow I doubt there will ever be justice served for this evil. Just like justice for the commie left will never happen. Historically evil tends to win !ost of the time.

  5. Dug, that sounds like a Great idea. And will never be tried, Because it might solve some problems.
