Tuesday, November 08, 2022

A bit of catchup

A month behind when originally planned, but did get the other knee done.  Of itself no complications, but there was a family matter that popped up right in the middle of everything, making this all even more fun.  

So the knee works at the level you'd expect at this point, and there's lots of ache and some actual pain at times.  I was able to drive far enough to vote this morning, but I damn sure don't want to drive further than that anytime soon.  And it's a good thing that, when I got this vehicle, I chose an automatic transmission.

Can't do a number of things at all, some things can, but have to be careful(VERY in some cases), and, hopefully, a couple of months of PT and this one will be doing as well as the other..


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Excellent! You know what to expect and how hard you have to PT.
    Now quit reading this stupid message and get to work! :)


  2. Yeah, did it before.

    At least won't be doing this again

  3. PT sucks. It hurts and is miserable. But it can make all the difference in post op functionality.
