Sunday, October 09, 2022

"Why don't you trust the media, they're professionals!"

Well, let's see... currently Yahoo 'News' seems to be using 'election denier' instead of 'Republican', that's a good start.

And you'll notice all the Democrats who've denied elections for the past, what, twenty years or a bit more?, are never mentioned.  Because that's different.

Why the hell SHOULD I trust a lot of these biased clowns?


  1. It's been a couple of years since Yahoo "News" quit allowing comments on their stories.
    Every "news" story they posted was horrible lies and the comments were epic roasts !!!!
    Yahoo is just Democrat Fascist Party propaganda.

  2. Anonymous4:02 PM

    You have to trust all professionals. Curbside sex therapists, sidewalk pharmacists, and media professionals. You can trust the first two more than the last one, but they all can be trusted to do anything for the $s!

  3. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Biased clowns is too mild.
    Dishonest paid DNC operatives is also too mild…how about lying f*cking assholes?
