Thursday, October 13, 2022

What the hell is going on with Blogger this time?

I keep telling it to publish, and 30-50% of the time it only saves as a draft, have to tell it again to publish.

Yes, it did it on this one, too


  1. Blogger cut off Big Country Expat the other day. They gettin' evil wicked mean and nasty.

  2. Post Alley Crackpot12:01 AM

    It's even more fun to get comments through.

    That's happened all of three times (including this one if it works) since May ... across every Blogger page I've had an inclination to post comments on.

    "Failed to publish comment, try again later" my entire back side.

    Whatever it is, the Blogger software hates my old Mac harder than reruns of The Greatest American Hero.
