Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The crap people will buy...

We are now in the time of the Amazon Ninja


  1. You're looking at the "dual SOB" holster all wrong. It's really a dual AIWB holster. (Well, AIWB on one side, on the other it's, what? Spleen IWB? I'll have to ask a doctor.) It works well under a long T-shirt, and the only problem is if you have to go to the bathroom.
    I hope I've cleared that up. Now go buy one.

  2. I think I'll restrain myself, thank you anyway

  3. Any time. I'm a giver.

  4. Anonymous4:15 PM

    On the other hand, isn't it a good sign that Amazon is willing to sell gun-related crap? #3 might be the worst sighting scope ever sold, but it obviously goes on a gun, and #4 is a holster of sorts. I'm amazed that Amazon management allowed them on their web site.

