Friday, October 21, 2022

"The Bruen case is having effect on gun laws,

and we don't like it!"
Standard leftist media crap.  As usual.


  1. Kommiecticut AG Ting-Tong has his panties in a bunch over what is coming, from the lawsuits and possible court rulings. The fear in his campaign ads sounds like maybe some of the unconstitutional/intolerable acts are really in danger of going bye-bye.

  2. This is starting to remind me of the mid-60's and the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act and integrating schools. The Democrats were digging their heels in then too.

  3. Anonymous9:05 PM

    "Under the Bruen test, the state’s interest in promoting public safety is irrelevant if it infringes on the fundamental right to keep and bear arms for self-defense"

    Maybe it's me, maybe it's just the whiskey talking, but it would be nice to see the court apply the same logic/standards to free speech/ 1A rights. That fucking Alex Jones shit f'r instance. He's gotta pay a billion dollars because he saw the parents laughing on t.v. interviews three days after their kids were shot (?) thought they were full of shit faking it.

    It's all bullshit. You're not allowed to ask questions any more. Not about that. Not about the jabs, the fucking election. Not about anything. Just shut up and be a good fucking drone.

  4. Anonymous1:45 AM

    RE: Judges not being trained historians.

    I am not a trained historian, a medical doctor, nor structural engineer. But I know where I can find them if need be.

    Intellectual laziness has longed been offered as excuse. It would be ironic, perhaps redundant, to ask that journalists try to do better.

  5. Anonymous1:47 PM

    From the link:
    “More than a dozen other challenges to gun control laws are pending in federal courts, which legal experts say could leave holes in efforts to curb gun violence”

    The BIGGEST hole in efforts to curb “gun violence” is not being able to say out loud that black and brown drug users and dealers are by far the driving force behind shootings.
    “Gun violence” nationwide virtually disappears when those two races are cut out of the stats.
