Sunday, October 23, 2022

Ah, Fecesbook, you never fail to disappoint

I know; only reason I'm still on it is some people and groups aren't on MeWe.  

Fecesbook took objection to a comment and removed it.  And, without telling me until I tried to post something, 'temporarily' blocked me from posting, with no mention of how long.

And I discovered something: if you want to appeal this, you have to do it to their board, only to get to it to do so you have to 'turn on games and apps' which allows whoever access to all your information, and no telling what else.  Isn't that wonderful?

So no appeal, screw 'em.  Right now there's not time for their crap either.


  1. Glypto Dropem is an anonymous screen name I use for blogging, email, and Twatter. I don't need to be doxxed out of a job for nothing more than politics and my opinions. My Twatter account is currently locked out and has been since mid-September for offending some SJW that took the time to dig through old tweets looking to be offended. Unless I provide them my cell number, they refuse to start the process. They will NEVER have my cell number and I always used Twatter through a private browser window, never the app. My account can just stay locked out until Elon Musk finally buys Twatter and maybe unlocks and unbans users on the right.

  2. Please, please, please stop using F%#$book.
    You are making money for them that they use to steal elections and hurt you.
    Stop using:
    (yes I know I am posting a reply through google)

  3. There was a commercial last night on a system for 'end-to-end text encryption'; who offers it?


    Yeah, I'd trust anything coming from Zuckerbitch & Co. for security.
