Friday, September 09, 2022

Yes, they were royalty, etc., doesn't mean you can't recognize some good ones

Warwick University’s Prof Richard Aldrich adds: “He says everybody is going to stay and going to fight. He says, ‘I want to get my German. I want to at least kill one of the invaders and we will all fight to the last.’

“When Churchill hears of this he says, ‘You need to be able to kill more than one German.’”

So he sent the King a Tommy gun and the Queen Mum, Elizabeth, 14, and Margaret, ten, also learned to use it.

Describing the wartime scenes Prof Aldrich says: “The royal family and equerries are all practising with pistols, rifles and Churchill’s Tommy gun. The Queen Mother enjoys taking pot-shots at rats in Buckingham Palace’s gardens.

Long time ago I read something from a Brit who said that a lot of people who hated the Royals made an exception for the Queen Mum, who'd been queen during WWII.  She was in the habit, during the Blitz. of taking the family out in the day to visit neighborhoods that'd been bombed and talk to and encourage people.

During one of these some reporter asked if the rumor was true that she and the kids were going to be going to Canada or America for safety.  She said "The children are not going unless I go, I will not go unless the King goes, and the King is leaving under no circumstances whatsoever."

That left an impression, thus those people who hated the Royals overall, but don't you say bad things about her.

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