Wednesday, September 14, 2022

What is it with a lot of the left hating Jews?

Denise Katz-Prober, a Brandeis Center lawyer who represents Blotner and Preis, said in an interview with The College Fix that the two women were treated horribly. “They essentially have been victimized three times,” she said. “They were victimized first when they were sexually assaulted, then by the community of students and support services they turned to, and then by the university when they reached out for help and the university failed to take steps to protect them.”
When the other members of the club, officially called New Paltz Accountability (NPA), learned that both women were ardent and public supporters of Israel, these club members began a campaign to harass and dox the women continuously.

Countless threatening messages were sent over messaging apps, detailing where students could find Blotner. She said some messages read “Find Cassie in town,” “She is here,” “Find the Zionist” and “Spit on her,” according to Blotner. “For this entire social media platform to only be talking about me and threatening me because of my beliefs, that was enough that I did not feel safe at all, so my dad picked me up and I went home,” Blotner said.

Preis described the ordeal as “very traumatizing.”

Because of their fear of being attacked, both students missed numerous classes. And they did so according to the advice of the New Paltz administration, which refused to provide them protection and instead told the two women to simply stop attending classes. Blotner received incompletes in all her classes, while Preis was unable to complete the double major she was working towards.

This is disgusting.  Sue the ass off the bastards, it's the only thing they might pay attention to.

A little more on the racism of the left:
Nor was this campaign of harassment by NPA a secret. It later publicly declared in an Instagram post that it would blacklist anyone who supports Israel.

[I]f we allow a pro-Zionism member in the group, we would essentially be sending a message to all Palestinians that they are not welcome. Denouncing Zionism is crucial to ending all forms of colonialism and oppression. Regardless of how Zionism is defined, it is a form of white supremacy in practice.”


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Honestly, one of my questions is: Why do so many Jews support National Socialism? My Jewish uncle was a huge supporter. Mind you, he never called it "National Socialism", but plank for plank (except for the final solution), he was in lock-step with the National Socialist platform. His favorite thing to do was go before congress and try to dictate how everyone else should live their lives.

    His daughter didn't fall far from the tree. She actively wanted to disarm people (allowing the government to round them up if and when the time came). While ethnically Jewish, she identified as a Unitarian.

    Then there is the NYU professor that I grew up with. Nice Jewish kid that actively supports the vast majority of the National Socialists' agenda. He made some poor career choices, saw where his colleagues were suddenly making high 6 or low 7 figure incomes and decided it must be capitalism's fault that he wasn't making the same being a professor. He actively pushes the socialistic idea wherever he can.

    1. I am rereading my way through the Old Testament. As a side. I look for indications for how the children of Israel became as you state. Brother, it isn't only you, many are equally interested thiugh befuddled. I think they beset by satan. Still, I look for mor.

  2. They're racists.

  3. Anonymous3:54 PM

    (Same Anonymous Coward)

    I've often wondered if they were just suicidal.

    That said, the NYU professor was certainly (grossly) ignorant of history. He had no clue what the National Socialist believed. He bought into the left-wing mantra of "Republicans are Nazis" and never once objectively looked at what the National Socialists believed and compared that to what the platforms of the American political parties. He also completely bought into the politics of envy. He could have have the 500+k salary job, choose not to, and regretted his choices (but couldn't bring himself to actually blame himself -- the place where the fault lied).

    No excuses for my uncle. A number of his cousins probably ended up in the gas-chambers and ovens. He should have known what the policies of the National Socialists were. I suspect that he just figured he'd be one of the ones calling the shots, and therefore protected.

  4. Mike-SMO12:47 AM

    "Nazi" is a word they might remember a class they slept through. Putin uses it all the time to mean "people who disagree with me". It has no meaning. It is like the White Woke who support BLM, not realizing the they are still "White".

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      That's why I prefer using National Socialist.
