Sunday, September 04, 2022

The hand is getting better, and along with that is (link added)

this antibiotic seems to screw with my stomach some.  Not horribly, but some.

Right now I'm damned tired, and going to clean up and sit a bit before collapsing into-hopefully- some decent sleep.

Added: I looked online for some information on cellulitis infections, and this is the simplest, and has this attention-getting line:
Left untreated, the infection can spread to the lymph nodes and bloodstream and rapidly become life-threatening. It isn't usually spread from person to person.
I suspect I came closer to checking out last year than I really like to contemplate.


  1. Anonymous3:38 AM

    After the antibiotic regime is finished don't forget to buy a bottle of probiotics to refresh the good bacteria in your system that the antibiotics harmed . Anti is against . Bio is life . antibiotics. Kills off good and bad bacteria .

  2. Good luck, hope you recover quick!

  3. Plan on. Unfortunately I've become familiar with that effect

  4. Best on a complete recovery.
