Friday, September 16, 2022

Security Staff is old,

and having trouble getting around.  The vet prescribed something that should help; I dearly hope so.

If he goes, after all the other stuff the last nearly two years, I may just give up and sit a while.


  1. robehr orinsky7:09 AM

    We have so many of our old friends buried here on the farm . It doesn't get any easier . Soon I shall join them . I am doing a natural "green" burial . Gawd I hate that green shit but for this it makes sense to me . A hole dug in the dirt for $250 from a local guy on Craigslist . My favorite blankie sewed into a burial shroud . A new pair of dirt jammies and I'm ready to go . With state burial permit[Ohio] at $25 and death certificate at $25 I'm taking my dirt nap for $300 total . The wife , kids , Grands , and Great grands can then have a big supper on me while they reminisce .

  2. Just had a really close call on my old guy. Just appreciate every minute. Prayers to you both.

  3. I have decided at my age to not have a dog anymore. While it is the tragedy of dog ownership that we outlive them over and over again, it would be more tragic for a dog to outlive me and suffer the evils that happen to abandoned dogs.

  4. Yep. One of the harder transistions to go through. It's part and parcel of having them though. Helps prepare us for enduring other inevitable losses. And I've never had a dog that didn't give more love and companionship than I could honestly reciprocate.

    I lost my border collie last year, my german shepherd two years before that. But I have a new shepherd now. It really is a truism that getting another pet helps, because it makes you so darn busy trying to train the new one ...
