Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Jordan Peterson seems to be like Trump in that mere mention of him causes

a lot of people to shut down their brain and start screaming.  Such as this idiocy.
Katharine Birbalsingh, whose Michaela Community School in north London recently saw 80 per cent of its students achieve 4+ (C) or more in their GCSEs despite being non-selective, invited Jordan Peterson to see her pupils on Friday.

After she tweeted about the visit, the respected teacher - who is a British government's social mobility tsar - went on to receive a wave of abuse and calls for her to be sacked.

If she'd invited a drag queen who asked kids to sit on his lap, they'd have cheered.  She'd invited some communist to tell kids how their families are enemies of man and need to be reported and destroyed, the same.  This guy, they lose what's left of their minds.

Amazing, it is.


  1. This sort of nonsense happens because leftist do not want to hear any ideas that do not align with their own. Certainly not conservative ideas. What they want to hear are their ideas, but they want to hear them coming out of our mouths.

  2. Terrytheterrible6:40 AM

    Mr. Peterson offers facts, the left can not handle that.
