Wednesday, September 21, 2022

I made it to the range today,

but precision wasn't the word of the day; this allergy crap was really screwing with my eyes, which does not help matters at longer distances.

Despite that, I think I've got good loads for two rifles for longer range.  There's a place I've been told of about 45 minutes from here that has a nice setup with some lanes going over 1000 yards; I'll be happy to try these at 300 and 400, and if I can get elevation dialed in there and the groups are decent, work toward longer distances later.

Right now, sleep is the thing.

Added: these were black-powder loads, and as I finally was able to/remembered to set up the chronograph, the range from highest to lowest velocity was only 12fps, which is the tightest I've ever gotten(that I know of).  

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