Saturday, September 17, 2022

Funny as hell watching a bunch of "We are a Sanctuary City!" virtue-signalers

crap themselves in outrage, and whine "We can't handle this horde!", when less than a hundred illegal aliens show up in their area.

All the outrage, all the "We will take care of our brethren, by having the National Guard take them away" stuff.  It's amazing.

As someone put it, "A thousand people broiling under a bridge in Texas is fine, 50 in their precious neighborhood is a disaster."


  1. Anonymous8:04 AM

    The irony is delicious.

  2. Anonymous8:08 AM

    now, now, now... you have to understand that these are our "betters", a more delicate and refined group would be hard to find... to be traumatized beyond their endurance by the presence of filthy turd-world subhumans is a for them a most terrible experience.
