Friday, September 02, 2022

From what I've seen of that speech last night,

he's almost completely lost his mind, and the people who set that up are morons.

When it's a Democrat President and a bunch of the loyalists on CNN and ABC- among others- are talking about what a mistake this was...  And most of the networks wouldn't cover it...

Borrowing from Legal Insurrection,
“Joe Biden’s address in Philadelphia tonight is one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in modern US political history. Hard to believe that a US president can stoop to this level, condemning tens of millions of Americans as enemies and a threat to democracy.”

As someone else put it,

You get the feeling that a bunch of Democrats are thinking "This is going WAY too far, and it won't end well."  It's been pointed out numerous times that Hillary Clinton's 'basket of deplorables' crap helped cost her the 2016 election; a bunch of people are probably thinking that this could cost Democrats badly in November.


  1. robehr orinsky7:24 AM

    They control the voting and the counting . They are not worried one little bit

  2. Anonymous7:25 AM

    it won't cost the dums anything in november. the results are already counted

  3. Bitter clingers with Brandon's special hate. And we're supposed to be his base.

  4. If the same people count the votes in November are the same ones who stole the election in 2020, don't count on the National Democratic Socialist Workers' Party to lose their stranglehold on power.

  5. think pre WW2 Germany

  6. I read some far-Left blogs, and they're saying that the Potato didn't go FAR ENOUGH. Others, a little more "moderate" are saying that he struck the "right tone" in targeting the MAGA types.

    Ultimately, these people HATE US and if given a chance would cheerfully shove us into gas chambers.

  7. Leigh7:15 PM

    "Ultimately, these people HATE US and if given a chance would cheerfully shove us into gas chambers."

    Which is why they are pushing so hard to disarm the American people. Armed men won't willingly get into rail cars, without a fight, Nitzakhon.
    Glad to see the Granite state represented tonight. I know of a few friends from over there that fall into that category..

    Whitehall, NY

  8. @Leigh: HI! :)

    Given the emerging parallels with the early 30's I am appalled at my fellow Tribe members' aversion to firearms. Here, at Elm Tree, is a great piece "Stability Privilege" which is worth searching for.

    More broadly, SO MANY in my life are of the opinion - no matter what topic is up - that "Oh, that's not possible".

    Begging the blog's admin's tolerance:

    Note: Something's hinky with the link. Hopefully resolved soon.
