Saturday, September 03, 2022

At this point I think this bacterium has a dislike for me in particular

Woke up yesterday with my right hand sore a a little swollen in an area.  And then it got worse over the next several hours, finally sending me to the ER.

Yes, I called the regular doc's office.  Damn near everyone already out of the office for the holiday, and the one still there tied up all day.

Get there, get checked in, they're looking for any sign of bites in case something venomous got me, then lots of blood for tests, and I'd been right: the same cellulitis infection that I got in my foot last year.  This time it wasn't nearly as advanced as when that case decided to tell me it was an actual problem: a big-ass dose of IV antibiotics, a prescription for oral to continue, and could leave.

That's good.  The bad is there is something I was set up to do next week, and needed to see if this means it should be rescheduled, except-say it again- everybody's already out for the bloody weekend.  Which means it'll be Tuesday morning before can get hold of anyone.

Ain't it just so effing fun at times?


  1. robehr orinsky7:45 AM

    The whole medical industry has been effed up since Bath House Barry passed the Affordable Care Act . I try to stay away and have converted to holistic,natural care when possible .

  2. Anonymous8:56 AM

    My wife and I were recently sick with different illnesses. All we could get were virtual visits with our regular doctors. Thankfully the ER wasn’t required.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Time to make a colidal silver generator. I made one for my med preps and had a chance to try it on cellulitis shortly after. I soaked piece of gauze over the site for 30 min 4xday.

    Three 9v batteries connected in series, isolated wire wrapped around the two (+/-) terminals, alligator clips on the end are handy. Go to the coin store and buy two .999 silver coins, long skiny is better than round, small is better than big. Stop on the way home and by distilled water, not filtered.

    Fill jar 2/3 full of hot and 4 single crystals of salt (gust to start electrical conduction.) Clip alligators to coins and use spring clamps ot clothes pins to set depth so only silver is in bath. A slight whisp of white will come off one coin. When jar is noticeably white (not that long, keep an eye on it,) it is done! Put it in a dark glass jar or keep out of light.

  4. A friend of mine who is 30 years younger than me (42) is getting over the plague and is complaining how fatigued and worn out she feels. I just laughed at her and said that at my age I felt like that everyday and what got me through and things done was determination, not energy.
    She didn't appreciate the forecast.

  5. It's germ warfare.....and the germs are winning.

  6. Spooky thing about this bug, it went from nothing to badly achy and a little swelling, to major swelling and "I've got a real problem here" in less than twelve hours.

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM

      That’s scary $hit. Too many people blow it off and wait too long only to realize that waiting cost them chunks of flesh.
      Glad you jumped on it early!
