Tuesday, August 30, 2022

There's lots out there, but I don't really want to talk about

all the political stuff.  I'm flat sick of it.

Right now the weather's going from hot and humid to rainy and cooler, then back.  Which causes the allergy crap that did not really bother me in the past to screw with me.  Sometimes a lot.  The rain was welcome, the followon not so much.

On a more pleasant subject, I found an old slip-on recoil pad.  The pad's in good shape, I'm thinking of cutting off the 'slip-on' part and seeing if I can trim it down to fit in that butt cuff.  The foam doesn't last long before it's collapsed and you have to replace it; this is about as thick and should last well.  We'll see.

Looking in the garage and shed, there's a lot of stuff I probably should get rid of, if I can decide which is 'can do without' and which is 'I still use this at times'.

And I need to be more regular about stretching, might help the changing-weather aches.

I shall now attempt to do something constructive.

1 comment:

  1. Man I'm sick of the political crap also. Nothing but problems and no one is willing to do what it takes to solve them. Throw the bums out!
