Sunday, January 02, 2022

A bit more on the stupidity of 'Green Energy!'

The AESO website revealed some literally cold, hard facts that weren’t in the TransAlta press release. As of noon, the TransAlta Keephills Unit 1, which was scheduled to retire that very day, was still putting out 302 megawatts, of its 395 megawatt rated capacity. At the same time, Alberta’s entire fleet of 13 grid-connected solar facilities, rated at 736 megawatts, was contributing 58 megawatts to the grid. The 26 wind farms, with a combined rated capacity of 2,269 megawatts, was feeding the grid 18 megawatts.
Maybe I'm just not smart enough to figure this out, but seems like a stupid setup.

And there's a lot more at the link.


  1. robehr orinsky7:31 PM

    Mean while Red China has been bringing a brand spanking new coal plant online every ten days since the years of the Obama Abomination . Economical and reliable power to take over the stupid West . Retired coal energy executive here . Thinking about doing some planning and research for the Commies myself . They are paying well for experienced energy tech consultants .

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    While as an Albertan I agree with what he said in the linked article he glossed over the fact that the plant the took down (and yes they did take it down) will spend the next year in conversion to natural gas fired from coal fired. Then it will be back in service.

    Most of our coal plants have been converted that way.

    We still have too much in solar and wind for s northern country.


  3. polimath1:50 PM

    Many years ago, Priemer Ralph Klein brought into a provincial law stating that no more than 10% of energy could be made by using any "green" process that could be interrupted. That was to prevent brown outs and unusual power grid requirements during cold snaps, or such events. The tree huggers want more green linked power but the older folk with more than two brain cells know the wind don't always blow and the sun don't always shine. We have a state-of-the-art coal plant out here but even that wasn't good enough for the NDP. "Shut her down they said".
