Sunday, December 26, 2021

One last thing, about a doctor

I hadn't heard anything from the cardiologist about that day of tests, and was figuring on calling them Monday.  Then, on the 23rd, I found an email: 'Confirm your next appointment'.  No mention of which doctor, and up opening it was 'Confirm your telehealth appointment'.

That led to a response that I don't have the software(and no desire to find and download it), and my pc has no camera or mike, so the doctor will have to either talk to me or send me a letter.  We'll see if that outrages the staff, or him; I really don't care if it does.  He should be sending all this to my regular doc, and if either of them has seen some "You really need to get in here now!" indication I'm pretty sure they'd have said so by now.

I'm just enjoying all this so much.


  1. clayusmcret6:58 PM

    I fired a pulmonologist because he refused REFUSED to give appointments any way except by video conference. We had our first one over the computer and then I tried to set up an actual office visit. He's a pulmonologist and can only hear my lungs IN PERSON! What good is trying to get a mechanic to diagnose your car by phone? They refused to set up an office visit a number of times so I canned him.

  2. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Indeed! "Tele-health" is something that I, as an RN, have NO confidence in- there is a great chance to miss things that would be hard to ignore in a face to face. I have had several good laughs concerning this in my recent PHYSICAL THERAPY which cannot be done ( no way., no how ) via a phone call. Neither can a decent physical assessment, IMHO. I would have been fired out of my job if I had proposed that I could do an initial assessment over the phone.
