Thursday, December 23, 2021

How effed-up is the EffingBI?

This effed-up.

And in case i didn't post this earlier about the EffingBI and Jan. 6, read this.


  1. clayusmcret7:57 AM

    The beater got two whole days.

  2. I live in Michigan, so I have been watching this semi interestedly from the beginning. It did seem to be "convenient" that when the Empress of Lansing was getting hammered by pretty much everyone this kidnapping plot suddenly came out of nowhere.
    Of course, we must not forget her husband went to their vacation home and tried to get the marina to put his boat in ahead of others, then asked if it made a difference if he was married to the Governor, then when told it didn't, he said he was just joking, hahaha. And the Empress of Lansing said on one of her weekly television addresses, that her husband had tried to make a joke, and it was not funny, as if anyone believed her. Then of course, there was the picture of her in a bar with a bunch of friends without masks, when she still had her order in place to mask up.
    At least the citizen petition drive got over 300,000 signatures to force the house and senate to vote on stopping her from being able to use that law, which since they are both Republican, they did, and she could not veto that, since it was citizen led.
    So now, the Governor of the state has some limit on their powers. They can still use the health dept. to get some things put through, but not the same way that they could just wave their magic wand and force it to happen.
    I do wonder if the FBI agents not being involved will cause the government to drop their case?

  3. I'd bet the prosecutors/Do'J' are scared to death of what it'd mean for them to drop it, everything from "They led the plot and should be held to account!" to lying under oath, to who knows what else.

    It'd probably be the smart and ethical thing, own up to "This was screwed up and there will be a full and transparent investigation", but I doubt they have enough of the former, and damn well do NOT have enough of the latter to do that.
