Friday, November 19, 2021

The Rittenhouse verdict was what it should have been, based on evidence and testimony

Which isn't preventing much of the left doing their usual screeching, crap-throwing, rabid gibbon imitations.  Apparently finding out most of the locals are on his side makes them worse.
Sean Davis of the Federalist tweeted out a perfect analysis of what really happened here: “Having failed to eradicate the Second Amendment, which affirms on paper our God-given right to self-defense, the Left is using the Rittenhouse case to nuke the Second Amendment in practice. They do not want a world where you have the right to fight back against their violence.”
No, they do not. 

I'm wondering if there's likely to be a lot less rioting tonight than expected both because the NG is there(as  someone noted "If the Governor had sent them in during the riots, this trial probably wouldn't have happened"), and there's probably been a lot of talk of "Those assholes start this again, they're not going to like what happens."  Might just cool their ardor a bit to think of a BUNCH of local citizens coming out to oppose them, the hard way if necessary; harder to claim "I'm here for justice!" when the people whose businesses and livelihoods you're trying to loot and burn are coming together to kick your ass.

Two other things: those prosecutors should be facing disbarment, AND prosecuted for their violations of law.  First-class shitbags, they are.
And I foresee a bunch of media assholes being sued for knowingly lying.  Maybe Rittenhouse and Sandman can split ownership of some of the networks.

What's to come, we'll see.

Except the left yelling "RACISM!  FASCISTS!" and so forth, that's a given.

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