Monday, November 22, 2021

In response to one of the stupid "I know the law so you better listen!" pieces on the Rittenhouse case,

Larry Correia has stepped up to club the stupid like a baby seal.


  1. Oh, that is good. He clubbed the idiot so hard it will be unconscious for a week.

  2. I LOVE watching an artist at work.

  3. Those idiots always start with the false premise that Kyle was doing something wrong

  4. The only bad thing about this response of L.Correia's is that he is so good, that too many people comment on his blog, so it is pointless for a nobody like me to add anything, since he would never see it. And I would love to give him a big "attaboy" and a thank you, for not just this, but for most of his pontifications.
    I know that the left has some very intelligent people on their side, I am thinking of men like Juan Williams or Mara Liason. But their problem is that they are just so damn liberal that they cannot see things the way that they really are.
    Of course, the right has their share of fairly intelligent people with their heads up Trump's ass, also. I am thinking of Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter.
    I am, of course, a conservative, but I am mostly a strong supporter of the U.S. Constitution, and I see members of both parties who seem to violate it at will, whenever it suits their fancy. I have been reading much of the internet and the people that I often follow, and the tone of their posts seem to be getting much more harsh, or dangerous, or whatever word you want to use. But I see that there could be, if not a civil war, a much larger battleground like the summer of 2020, where rioting took place at various, mostly Democratically controlled cities. I could see it starting in one city, and escalating from coast to coast. That might be just what the Democrats want, something to allow them to declare martial law. If that is the plan, it will happen before the 2022 midterms.
    Then, God help us all.

  5. Awful lot of politicians, both parties, need to be gone. Corrupt and allowed to stay in that office WAY too long.

    I am sick to death of Hannity both kissing the ass of people like Lindsey Graham and acting like they're on our side, and defending the EffingBI because "It's only a few bad apples in DC, the field agents are all wonderful!" Bullshit. If those bad apples(and he apparently doesn't remember what that saying actually says) could never have done the damage they have if they didn't have lots of field agents who'll do whatever they're told.
