Thursday, November 18, 2021

I want to know what the HELL they were doing with this

Vials labeled with "smallpox" were found at a Merck facility in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, where vaccine research is conducted, but it is unclear why the vials were there, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
"The frozen vials labeled “Smallpox” were incidentally discovered by a laboratory worker while cleaning out a freezer in a facility that conducts vaccine research in Pennsylvania. CDC, its Administration partners, and law enforcement are investigating the matter and the vials’ contents appear intact," a CDC spokeswoman said in a statement to NBC10.

There are supposed to be two, and only two, places in the world that have smallpox, and neither of them is effing MERCK...

Don't you just love the part about 'incidentally discovered' by someone cleaning out a freezer?


  1. Mike-SMO3:27 PM

    It is all guess work, but most people vaccinated for "Small Pox" were vaccinated many decades ago. It is no secret that the immune system weakens with age. Hence my flu shot was labeled "2X" or some such. Also, as I recall, the Soviets had a fairly active Small Pox Germ warfare program for awhile. So possibly the bug was for a possible vaccine program. Leaving the vial in the open is typical management action. To the paper shufflers, it is probably just one more raw material. Thus both "Holy Sh*t!" and a "Nothing Burger", but worth looking into. If Brandon's masters are planning on a war with Russia, the vials might be part of the preparation.

  2. Anonymous3:54 PM

    That has to be fake news. Why there would be any sample of that form of death is beyond me. If some asshole wants to keep some for posterity, It should be kept in a highly secure subterrainian concrete and steel enclosure with emergency seal and kill protocols if things go wonky. Ohio Guy

  3. robehr orinsky4:50 PM

    I've about had it with gubmint financed plandemics . About time for us to give the shots . At around 3200fps .

  4. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Is one of the two places that are sanctioned to have it under Faucci's [supposed] control?

    When my daughter first got her driver's license, she wasn't legally allowed to drive with another teenager in the car. Within a couple of days of getting her license she lost control on a dirt road and plowed through someone's fence -- with a friend in the passenger seat.

    Once I made sure that no one was injured, I asked her what I was upset about. She correctly answered that it was the friend in the car with her. Going through the fence was an accident. The friend in the car was a deliberate.

    Smallpox in the freezer outside of the CDC is a deliberate -- on a number of people's parts.

  5. Yeah, a HUGE biowarfare program. Find a book called 'Biohazard' by Ken Alibek, who was part of it. It was bad.

    While possible Marck was being asked about vaccine, I cannot imagine them leaving actual frozen smallpox virus in a non-secured freezer where someone could accidentally find it.

    Yeah, I know, stupid and incompetent could well be the explanation.

  6. Can't remember the name of the book, but there was once a description of "If I did know just how this virus was secured at the CDC, it might be something like-" that went from controlled access to the building, to that lab, to that particular freezer section, to randomly changing the freezer location, and special alarms on the freezer.

    They did keep samples in the event of someone turning it loose again(among other places, there was a nasty outbreak in the Iraq/Iran border region not long before they managed to wipe it out, and it would've been easy for Saddam to have a lab keep samples), they'd have the stuff to start making vaccine.

  7. I asked my ex, who's an executive director at Merck, about this. Merck has no labs in their Upper Gwynedd facility. It seems as though NBC's "source with knowledge of the ongoing situation" may not be particularly knowledgeable. Who knows what else they're getting wrong. This isn't to say that Merck couldn't possibly have fucked up in a potentially catastrophic way, but as with most things involving the press, we should assume what they're reporting is wrong until we see independent verification from someone who doesn't have a long history of lying to us.
