Sunday, October 31, 2021

What happens when a military force stops worrying about inconsequential things like disaster drills

and concentrates on PC bullshit.

Read a book a few years ago about the battle for Guadalcanal.  After one of the disastrous sea battles an officer on one ship said 'I'll never question those endless drills again, because they're the only reason we didn't sink.'  So now a bunch of people with rank on their shoulders decided they could trash the drills so there was more time for "Do you have white supremacist thoughts?" garbage, and we last a ship.  In peacetime, at a freakin' dock.

There's a lot of clowns that need to be cleaned out of the higher ranks.  And any of their ass-kissers who don't get the message and straighten up need to go too.


  1. Our enemies are very serious, we aren't.

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    There was a line from one of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books that went something like: They care; we don't; they win.

    I've thought that was true with Afghanistan. I've thought that was true with Iraq, Syria, and now China.

  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Read the report on the fire on the Bonhomme Richard. Wow.
