Saturday, October 30, 2021

The current bullshit excuse for pressuring someone into sex is

"You're transphobic, and you're a TERF if you don't sleep with me!"

I've heard it of the other side before: "I'm a woman!"
"You've got a dick and I don't want to have sex with a man."
"I'M NOT A MAN, I"M A WOMAN!  You're saying this because you hate trans people!"  Etc.  This is the other side: "I'm not a man, I'm a woman even if I do have a penis, and you have to sleep with me or you're a TERF and I'll ruin you!"  Including the PC-at-any-cost lesbians who'd shit a brick if an open male put that kind of pressure on a woman, but a "I identify as a woman!" does it, it's ok.

Including idiots/assholes like this:
Isn't it wonderful?  People who claim they want to 'be left alone to live as they choose' insist everyone else live they way they demand, or else.

We have a surfeit of asshole control freaks, and a shortage of helicopters for short trips.


  1. A Texan5:50 AM

    "In the piece, Ms Lowbridge attempted to discover how 'widespread' the issue was across the country and said several people had contacted her about the pressures to 'accept the idea that a penis can be a female sex organ'.

    The author acknowledged it was 'difficult to determine the true scale of the problem' and referred to a survey carried out by the campaigning group Get the L Out - which reported 56 per cent of respondents had felt pressured or been coerced into accepting a trans woman as a sexual partner."

  2. Better to join them..

    Me? Yeah I am trans also. I identify as SuperStraight.
