Friday, October 29, 2021

I have a story to tell

This is one I not only know about, but can tell.

For many years Dad was in law enforcement, and one of the duties that came his way was being on the honor squad.  Mainly that meant attending the funerals of LEOs who died; sometimes it meant attending the funeral or viewing of some Elder Statesman or Respected Former Whatever(i.e. 'one who got out of office without getting his hands caught in the cookie jars').  This is one of the latter.

One of said Got Away With It types had assumed ambient temperature, and his body was lying in state at the state Capitol.  One day Dad was standing at the head of the coffin, another trooper at the foot.  A few people came in to take a look at the deceased(I'd guess an equal amount of "We'll miss you" and "You sorry bastard, I hope you're in hell!"), the afternoon was wearing on, and a little old lady, a bit bent over and walking with a cane, came through the door.

She hobbled across to the coffin, then walked to Dad and looked him up and down, very carefully.  Then hobble down to the other trooper and examine him equally.  Then she went to the open coffin, and studied the deceased(you may use 'remains' or 'carcass' as you choose) for a bit.

Then she leaned the cane against the coffin, lowered her hands and then lifted them palms up, chanting "Rise...RISE...RISE!"

Other trooper looked at Dad and whispered "If he moves you're gonna be alone in here."

Fortunately for his and Dads' knees and peace of mind, there was no twitch.  After watching him closely a bit, the lady lowered her hands, took up her cane, and hobbled her way out.

And I think the pair who relieved them were advised to keep a close eye on the body, just in case that lady had a delayed effect.


  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    If that had been me and the 'rise' had occurred the guy at the foot would have gotten trampled if the exit was at his end ;-) if it was at my end he would never have caught me short of the county line...............

  2. I wouldn't have been able to keep from cracking up laughing.

  3. Ha, that's a good one. I suspect the exit would have been abrupt, also.

  4. Now thet right there is some funny shit! I don't s'pose they really thought so at the time, though.
