Sunday, October 24, 2021

Garland is an asshat of the first order

But, when asked by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) if any of the individuals who have been arrested for participating in the riot have been charged with “insurrection,” Garland told him “I don’t believe so.”

“Has any defendant involved in the January 6th events been charged with insurrection?” Gohmert asked.

“I don’t believe so,” Garland responded.

Garland is the AG of the United States, the head of the DOJ. He doesn’t “believe so”? He’s not sure? He hasn’t made it his business to know?

There seem to be a lot of things he hasn't bothered to know.  Or at least claiming he doesn't know is his dodge so he doesn't have to answer the question.  And the ones that would follow.

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